My 3 non-hustle wins last week:
Booked KÀ by Cirque du Soleil event in Las Vegas - late September
Resumed racquet ball games - 3x per week
Bought more AAPL and O realty income - major step towards dividend investment
Now let’s dig in...
1. You only need these skills to start a profitable side hustle
On top of them - every engineer should also learn these skills to never go broke:
Personal finance 101
Writing cold emails
Negotiation - asking for what you want
Public speaking
2. Don't complain about not having time!
Every one has the same amount.
Here’s how I plan my day that allows me to do 9-5 and 5-9 hustle:
Wake up @ 7am
Quick 30 mins workout
Review Code every day for 30 mins
Focus work for at least 3 hours
5PM - do 10 mins meditation
Call parents 30 mins (don’t skip this)
Cook dinner
Spend time with family
Work on side projects till I sleep @ 12.00am
3. Year 2023 is still not over - start a side hustle this year!
You can start with $0 investment on all the following:
programming, blogging, photography, graphic design
video games, bikes, watches
Instagram, Twitter, TikTok
build audience sell info products
solve super niched e-com sellers' pain point
find what is selling, find what are some pain points - bam! develop an app to solve it
if you want to build SaaS applications 10x faster - you should check out Divjoy - React codebase generator
Don’t wait for next year!
4. From Zero to $10K - stories like these keeps me going.
What can you learn from Tony?
Start small, start now
I love how biased Tony is towards taking actions
You don't have to overthink side hustles
Seize opportunities
Like mentioned above - find out what is selling already
Find where the money is flowing already
Tap into it - don't reinvent the wheel
Marketing is magic
Be it your side hustle or your 9-5 career
If you don't market yourself, you'll never grow
Put it in action...
Here’s my 30-30-30 method for you to start a new side hustle this year:
Spend 30-minutes brainstorming ideas for side hustle
Get up 30-minutes earlier daily to work on your side hustle
Spend more 30-minutes in the evening daily
Do the above routine for 30-days, every day
Don't question yourself
Only question your process - and iterate on it
Talk to 30-people about your side hustle plan
Validate your idea
Make new connection
Start finding 30-customers